Saturday, February 9, 2008

The curse of delay.

This whole saga starts with my birth. Okay I've like told this story so many times to my friends in an attempt to make them understand that its done to death. So well I'll try and say it differently here...

When I was to be born, the docs told my Mum that I'd arrive on 4th Jan 1983. Turns out the stork carrying me decided to take a detour. That darn stork was probably high on something... it shoudn't have been on the job in the first place. I've never known a more distracted creature in my whole life. So well Mr. Stork had its little adventure (I'm assuming it was male cos only a guy can be capable of being that careless!) and then realsing he had a job to do rushed off to deliver me to Mulund to my eager parents. We (or rather I) arrived on 11th Jan 1983. And well since then things just keep getting worse.

Until the time I was in school, my time management was someone else's business so things were okay. But then I went to junior college and my poor parents were deluded enough to think I would be responsible.

Well it started with tiny things - wake up late and a lil late to class, sometimes even for an exam. I knew I was flirting with trouble but I never imagined things could get much worse. I didn't know what 'worse' could be..

Good thing 'bout junior college was that they had rules fit for a military school ~makes a dirty face~ So even though I did get into trouble it was never anything drastic. But then I came to BMM. The rules were a bit more relaxed and I started to get careless - with my time and with other people's time.

Although I never used to be that late for class, when it came to plans with friends it was well a DISASTER!!!

I remember one time I had to go to a friends place and I got there TWO HOURS LATE!!! It wasn't intentional. It never is. I mean I've not completely lost my mind that I'd turn up late for an interview or a date... But I do... almost always. It seems like time has lost its hold over me, Or maybe I've lost all sense of time.

Mostly, actually almost always it happens so that I do leave home on time and stuff but then something unavoidable happens and I still get late. Its like the whole darn universe is conspiring against me and making sure that this curse doesn't leave me.

I know of times when I walk in late for movies. Lols (thats a cynical laugh, I'm not enjoying myself!) Concerts, Mass, parties, periods, work... Nothing is spared!

Funny thing is I have a couple of friends who are very good at time management. Even my Ex, he had many faults but impuntuality wasn't one of them. Inspite of all these people in my life I haven't been able to change. But trust me I'm trying. So all I ask for is a little patience... and help!

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